Small Multiples

Use smaller versions of the same chart type to compare across categories.

Tutorials and Guides


Top car brands in China, by market share

I like this chart set from Bloomberg that shows the top brands, ranked…

Presidential campaign target states, since 1952

We mostly hear about a handful of swing states these days, as presidential…

More Dual Income, No Kids

People are waiting longer to have kids or not having kids at all, which leads to more dual income households with no kids.

Who We Spend Time with as We Get Older

In high school, we spend most of our days with friends and immediate family. But then we get jobs, start a family, retire, and there's a shift in who we spend our days with.

New shopping search patterns from the pandemic

Schema Design, Google Trends, and Axios collaborated on The New Normal, looking at…

How We Spent Our Time in 2020 Versus 2019

Our everyday routines changed over the past year, and with the 2020 American Time Use Survey, we can see by how much.

Drought in the Western United States

In what’s become a recurring theme almost every year, the western United States…

Climate normals mapped over time

Every decade the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration releases climate normals to provide…

Melting glaciers

Niko Kommenda for The Guardian used small multiples to show 90 of the…

Election night might take weeks

For The Washington Post, Ashlyn Still and Kevin Schaul charted how long it…

Timeline of California Wildfires

The wind was blowing smoke and ash from wildfires further up north from where I live. The sky turned an eerie orange. I wondered about past fires and made the chart below.

Restaurant Reopenings, a Comparison to Last Year

Restaurants are reopening for dining across the United States. Some states are doing it faster than others.

Curves for the 1918 flu pandemic

For National Geographic, Nina Strochlic and Riley D. Champine look back at the…

Small multiples pizza baby

For each month in her child’s first year, Amanda Makulec took a picture…

Where the Australia fires are burning

The New York Times zoomed in on southeastern Australia where the fires have…

The Most Gender-Switched Names in US History

We use some names mostly for boys and some mostly for girls, but then there is a small percentage that, over time, switched from one gender to another. Which names made the biggest switch?