Line Chart

Typically used to show trends over time, the slope of the line between two points shows patterns of change.

Comparing U.S. coronavirus case rates to other hot spots

The numbers are high here in the United States, and at this point,…

Unemployment for different groups

Unemployment has hit the United States hard over the past several months, for…

Bitcoin scam, Twitter hacked

Twitter was hacked yesterday. Over a few hours, prominent accounts were tweeting that…

Restaurant Reopenings, a Comparison to Last Year

Restaurants are reopening for dining across the United States. Some states are doing it faster than others.

Change in internet usage since the virus

Your schedule changed. The time spent in front of or using a screen…

How to Flatten the Curve, a Social Distancing Simulation and Tutorial

Using R, we look at how your decreased interaction with others can help slow the spread of infectious diseases.

How to Make Line Charts in Python, with Pandas and Matplotlib

The chart type can be used to show patterns over time and relationships between variables. This is a comprehensive introduction to making them using two common libraries.

Occupation Growth and Decline

We looked at shifts in job distribution over the past several decades, but it was difficult to see by how much each occupation group changed individually. This chart makes the changes more obvious.

Saving for Retirement and Age

People tend to have more money saved up over time, but range and variation also grow, and often it’s not enough.

How to Make Baseline Charts in R

By shifting the baseline to a reference point, you can focus a line chart on relative change, which can improve the visibility of smaller categories.

Bachelor’s Degree Movers

As industries change and interests shift, some bachelor's degrees grow more popular while others become less so.

Billions at the Franchise Box Office

There's big money in wizarding worlds, galaxies far away, and various time-shifted universes. Let's take a stroll through the billions of dollars earned by franchises over the years.

Goodbye, Mid-Range Shot

There's a space on the basketball court called "mid-range." It's actually not off-limits. In fact, people used to shoot these so-called "mid-range" shots.

Ask the Question, Visualize the Answer

Let's work through a practical example to see how asking and answering questions helps guide you towards more focused data graphics.

Visualizing Patterns on Repeat

Things have a way of repeating themselves, and it can be useful to highlight these patterns in data.

How to Make (and Animate) a Circular Time Series Plot in R

Also known as a polar plot, it is usually not the better option over a standard line chart, but in select cases the method can be useful to show cyclical patterns.

Heart rate during layoff

Add another chart to the genre of heart rate during a significant event.…

Days Without a Mass Shooting

Unfortunately, while of varying magnitude, mass shootings are somewhat regular in the United States.

Who Earns More Income in American Households?

Compared to 1970, a shift towards women making the higher income.

Boost economy with immigration

Want to increase the GDP? Easy. Let more immigrants in. Lena Groeger for…