Because it’s Friday – PixelLabs puts a cartoon-ish spin on streamgraphs. Who will…
Telling stories with data and graphics.
Browser Wars – A New Take on Streamgraphs
Visual Guide to General Motors’ Financial Woes
As you’ve probably heard, General Motors has come on some financial troubles and…
9 Ways to Visualize Consumer Spending
GOOD Magazine’s most recent infographic (above and below) on consumer spending got me…
Visual Guide to the Financial Crisis
If you’re like most people, you don’t really know what’s going on with…
Exploration of Our Presidents’ First 100 Days in Office
GOOD Magazine and Atley Kasky collaborate to explore U.S. Presidents’ first 100 days…
Diagrams Galore in Diagram Diaries Flickr Group
For those watching the clock and waiting for the weekend to hurry up…
Sprint Dashboard to the Universe – Plug Into Now
Sprint, in a promotion to their mobile Internet service, created this amusing futuristic…
Obama and McCain Voters’ Current State of Mind
The New York Times adds another item to the list of things to…
Comparative View of Length of Rivers and Height of Mountains
I had no idea these comparative views of length of rivers and heights…
May the Tallest and Fattest Win the Presidency
OPEN N.Y. put together an amusing (and informative) graphic for a New York…
Tree Map to Show Losses by Major Companies
Taking after Map of the Market, the New York Times uses tree maps…
How Consumers Around the World Spend Their Money
This pseudo-map graphic from The New York Times shows how consumers in different…
How Eating Ice Cream and Feeling Gross Leads to Alcholism
This stream of consciousness video (below) from Current is complete with animated infographics…
Plummeting Infographics from I.O.U.S.A – A Nation in Debt
I haven’t seen I.O.U.S.A. yet, but from the online bonus clips, it looks…
Amusing Disney Org Chart – From Walt on Down
I’m not sure how old this Disney org chart is, but I’m guessing…
Awesome Olympics Coverage By The New York Times
Who else has been enjoying the Olympics as much as I have? I…
I’ll Take My Infographic in Bright Orange, Men’s Medium
The Shirt Project, by Rich Watts and Louise Ma, takes the infographics out…
Map of Olympic Medals in Bubble + Geographic Form
Lee Byron, Amanda Cox and Matthew Ericson of the New York Times graphics…