Visual Guides to the World of Street Vendors

There are over 10,000 street vendors in New York City. But how much do you know about them? The Street Vendor Project, in collaboration with the Center for Urban Pedagogy and Candy Chang, provide a visual guide [pdf] in an effort to show the world of street vendors. Wow, that sentence had a lot of interesting names in it. Um, sorry, I digress.

The guide briefly explains vendor regulations, rights, and what a better system might look like – and with an average $14,000 salary, there’s certainly room for improvement. There is also a bit of history and demographics with business that began as pushcarts (e.g. Bloomingdale’s) and now celebrities (e.g. Jerry Seinfeld) who at one time or another were street vendors.

There is also a second guide [pdf] for the street vendors themselves. Make sure you take a picture of that smiley, abusive policeman.

[via New York Times]