Data Art

Finding the beauty in numbers.

Computer uses wind to mine cryptocurrency and then fund climate research

HARVEST is an art piece by Julian Oliver that consists of a 4G-connected…

Everyday thresholds visualized in dramatic fashion

This is a fun one that’s weirdly suspenseful. Everyday thresholds, like the slow…

Photorealistic balls of precious metals placed outside their mines

Artist Dillon Marsh uses CGI balls of metal placed outside of mines to…

Karate-inspired projection mapping

I have no idea how projection mapping works, so it kind of feels…

Infinite Twitter ad campaign, based on data profiles

As you probably know, Twitter (and all social media) collects data about you…

Empty bladder vs. full bladder

I always enjoy the data sketches that Mona Chalabi posts on Instagram. She…

A thousand ways to draw a thing

Google released the Quick, Draw! dataset, so the closer looks at the collection…

Looking for cultural expression in 50 million doodles

Using Google’s Quick Draw dataset, a collection of 50 million drawings across 345…

Pollution popsicles

Students at the National Taiwan University of Arts made popsicles using sewage runoff…

Solar System in a bottle

From Little Planet Factory, a Solar System in a bottle made to scale:…

A story of humanity in the pixels of a Reddit April Fool’s experiment

On April Fool’s Day, Reddit launched a blank canvas that users could add…

Time-lapse of community-edited pixels

For April Fool’s Day, Reddit ran a subreddit, r/place, that let users edit…

Evolution of The New York Times front page

From Josh Begley, this quickfire flip book shows every New York Times front…

Forest of Numbers

To celebrate the ten-year anniversary of the National Art Center in Tokyo, Emmanuelle…

Sharing the same traits and qualities

My son used to watch Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood (a modern take on Mister…

Emotional arcs for inaugural addresses

Inaugural addresses come in different flavors, with different messages and purpose. Periscopic passed…

Immersive digital waves to visualize nature

FLOW is an interactive art installation by Maotik that represents real-time weather data…

An average life as interpretive dance

BuzzFeed used interpretive dance to describe the average age of the milestones in…