Randal Heeb convinced a New York City judge that poker isn’t a game…
More than mean, median, and mode.
Poker is a game of skill, not luck
Twitter vs. Facebook: What people share →
Edwin Chen, a data scientist at Twitter, took an in-depth look at what…
Network analysis on high school hierarchy of friends
Brian Ball and M. E. J. Newman analyzed friendship data from a high…
Fox News continues charting excellence
Fox News tried to show the change in the top tax rate if…
Data science: tools vs. craft →
Data science: tools vs. craft. It takes more than a program to do something useful.
From statistics to data science, and vice versa
Carnegie Mellon statistics professor Cosma Shalizi considers the differences and similarities between statistics…
Computing for data analysis
If you want to learn visualization, you should learn data. To learn data,…
How consumers suck at math
Derek Thompson for The Atlantic on how retail uses our numeric biases to…
Data plural versus data singular
Kevin Drum on data is or data are:
Now, I know that lots… -
Soda versus pop on Twitter →
Edwin Chen, a data scientist at Twitter, explored the geographic differences in language…
Mitt Romney pseudo-venn diagram, used incorrectly
The Mitt Romney campaign put this venn diagram up a few days ago,…
How long it takes to get pregnant
The odds of getting pregnant after a certain time trying are surprisingly hard…
Synchronized Swimming in Data and the Water Metaphor
The flood. The avalanche. The tsunami. Drowning in data. For the past few…
Analysis of chords used in popular songs
Hooktheory, a system for learning to write music, analyzed 1,300 popular songs for…
Tips for Grad Students in Statistics →
Tips for Grad Students in Statistics. Oh, now they tell me.
Why robbing banks for a living is a bad idea
In an article for Significance Magazine, economists Barry Reilly, Neil Rickman and Robert…
This American Life on Blackjack
The newest episode of This American Life is on the game of Blackjack.…
Profile of the Facebook Data Science Team
MIT Technology Review profiles the Facebook Data Science Team, described as a gathering…
Losing American Community Survey would be ‘disastrous’
Many want to get rid of the American Community Survey, a Census program…
Reverse engineering targeted emails from 2012 Campaign
After noticing the Obama campaign was sending variations of an email to voters,…