NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health…
More than mean, median, and mode.
Polling for stress →
Data science, big data, and statistics – all together now
Terry Speed, a emeritus professor in statistics at University of California at Berkeley,…
Subpar Captain America
Animation Domination High-Def has a Captain America video of things that America is…
Test your statistical wits about stuff in the world
Many of us aren’t aware of how one country compares to others or…
Lessons from improperly anonymized taxi logs
Through a Freedom of Information request Chris Whong received and eventually released NYC…
Data grab bag
— When you deal with data, you can think like a statistician, even…
What a few thousand fake followers gets you
There are a lot of fake, spammy accounts on Twitter that come in…
GDP rises in the UK after spending on illegal activities counted
The gross domestic product for the United Kingdom rose by 5% seemingly overnight,…
What pregnant women want
In another take on the game of what Google suggests while searching, Seth…
Strava Metro aims to help cities improve biking routes
Last month, Strava, which allows users to track their bike rides and runs,…
Machine learning a cappella on overfitting
From the machine learning course on Udacity, an a cappella group sings a…
A majority of your email in Gmail, even if you don’t use it
For reasons of autonomy, control, and privacy, Benjamin Mako Hill runs his own…
Newborn false positives
Shutterfly sent promotional emails that congratulate new parents and encourage them to send…
Random things that correlate
This is fun. Tyler Vigen wrote a program that attempts to automatically find…
Type I and II errors simplified
“Type I” and “Type II” errors, names first given by Jerzy Neyman and…
Naked Statistics
Naked Statistics by Charles Wheelan promises a fun, non-boring introduction to statistics that…
Most underrated films
Ben Moore was curious about overrated and underrated films.
“Overrated” and “underrated” are… -
Hip hop vocabulary compared between artists
Matt Daniels compared rappers’ vocabularies to find out who knows the most words.…
Hiding a pregnancy from advertisers
You probably remember how Target used purchase histories to predict pregnancies among their…
A principal component analysis step-by-step
Sebastian Raschka offers a step-by-step tutorial for a principal component analysis in Python.…