Henry Hinnefeld answers the age-old debate of which Mario Kart character is best,…
More than mean, median, and mode.
Finding the best Mario Kart character, statistically speaking
Vector paths of meaning between words and phrases
Benjamin Schmidt, an assistant professor of history at Northeastern University, explored the space…
Counting the times Kevin Durant’s shoe came off during games
This is what happens when there is a lull during the basketball playoff…
A guide for applying to data science jobs
Emily Robinson gives advice on applying for a data science job (that you…
Increasing similarity of Billboard songs
Popular songs on the Billboard charts always tended to sound similar, but these…
When surveillance turns into stalking
Many surveillance apps cater to parents who want to keep tabs on their…
Amazon Rekognition for government surveillance
Amazon’s Rekognition is a video analysis system that promises to identify individuals in…
Data scientists as the new Mad Men
Ken Auletta for The New Yorker looks at “math men” replacing the Mad…
Data is, sometimes
Financial Times recently updated their style guide:
data — the rule for always…
Every document copy stored on used digital photocopiers
CBS News picked up four used photocopiers and looked at the hard drives.…
Challenges ahead for the Census count
The 2020 Census is coming up quick, but there’s still a lot up…
Using statistical models to win almost $1B in horse-race gambling
I think this is what statistics is truly for.
People relationships in data analysis
Roger Peng discusses the importance of managing the relationships between people — analyst,…
Is the hot hand in basketball real?
[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPZFQ6i759g” /]
With Numberphile, Lisa Goldberg discusses her research with Alon Daks… -
Building a robot boyfriend
When it comes to robots and love, the concept typically deteriorates to subservient…
Knitters and the neural network-trained machine
Janelle Shane, who likes to play with output from neural networks, teamed up…
Here’s what you get when you cross dinosaurs and flowers with deep learning
Neural networks have shown usefulness with a number of things, but here is…
Hans Rosling wrote a book on Factfulness
Hans Rosling was able to build excitement around data like no other. Truth…
Strictly statistical approach
This comic from Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal speaks to me.
You can quantify…
Datasets for teaching data science
Rafael Irizarry introduces the dslabs package for real-life datasets to teach data science:…