Critique of a Charles Booth poverty map rework
Nathan Yau
Deceptive in their beauty? →
What’s the Matter With Chernoff Faces? →
The method in real life
Why I Want to Quit Cable
There are good reasons to cancel cable, but there were a few channels and programs that kept me on. When you look at it in dollars though, it’s hard to justify the value for the cost.
The Visual Language of Dashed Lines →
How we perceive and how we should use them
Taxi migration in Manhattan
While we’re on the topic of things moving on a map of changing…
Animation shows national migration patterns
Even Westvang uses tax return data to visualize migration patterns of 300,000 Norwegians.…
How to correctly report numbers in the news →
“What we have to learn to do, and the best way of stopping ourselves from getting embarrassed, is to stop and check that something makes sense.”
Interview with AdAge →
I did a Q&A that I thought was for a larger, more general article on visualization. They posted the whole thing. Edward Tufte answered some questions in the first interview of the series.
Weave for visualization development
Web-based Analysis and Visualization Environment, or Weave for short, is open source software…
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How to Make a Contour Map
Filled contour plots are useful for looking at density across two dimensions and are often used to visualize geographic data. It’s straightforward to make them in R — once you get your data in the right format, that is.
A data mess →
Fixing a busted pie chart
Visual Storytelling and New Languages in Journalism →
Short interview with Francesco Franchi, art director for IL-Intelligence. From Visual Storytelling book [via]
Tracking the grizzly bear in emotional interactive documentary
In a blend of data and storytelling, Jeremy Mendes and Leanne Allison dig…
Most mentioned NFL players on SportsCenter
Like something from of a video game, this graphic from The New York…
Should Data Visualizations Be Beautiful? →
Needs to add “for business analytics” in parentheses
An action plan for data science, a decade ago
Data science has been covered at length during the past couple of years,…
Multilayer map with ggplot2 →
Link to code snippets towards the bottom
R Function of the Day →
New blog by a classmate of mine
Compare presidential candidate fundraising
Presidential candidates have raised $186 million up to now, according to the Federal…
Graphs Beyond the Hairball →
Untangling network graphs with various methods, such as a matrix diagram