A profile of the omnipresent Jer Thorp on Mashable
Nathan Yau
This man makes data look beautiful →
Statistical network of basketball →
By now, everyone’s heard of Moneyball. Applying statistics to baseball to build the…
Hexagonal binning in D3 →
Useful with dense point clouds; also this method using size instead of color
Get a visual recap of your year on Twitter
As 2013 nears, let the recaps, reviews, and best ofs begin. Twitter put…
Web scraping for fun and profit →
This looks promising. Benefits include: stability, anonymous access, and no rate limiting.
Relationships and kills in Game of Thrones replayed →
This one’s for you Game of Thrones fans and aficionados. Jerome Cukier visualized…
The differences between machine learning, data mining, and statistics
From machine learning to data mining. From statistics to probability. A lot of…
An infographical look at Walking Dead kills over three seasons →
Andrew Barr and Richard Johnson for the National Post took a detailed look…
Nixon signature timeline
Something changed. [via]…
Map symbol clustering →
Using k-means to group multiple symbols that overlap and clutter
The family tree for All in the Family
James Grady from Fathom Information Design had a look at the family tree…
Try R →
Free online course from Code School for getting started with R
Emotion of countries mapped →
Max Fisher for the Washington Post mapped country emotion ratings, based on the…
CartoDB 2.0 →
The “Instagram of maps” or more appropriately, works on mobile
Simple chart, clear story →
Impact of vaccines plotted over time shows obvious impact [via]
Cartograms in D3 →
Cartograms in D3. Way smooth and interactive.
Lunar Lander trails
In 1979, Atari released Lunar Lander, a game whose object was to land…
A new kind of resource
Jer Thorp talks ethics in the data-as-new-oil metaphor:
[W]e need to change the… -
Finding image color palettes in R →
Use k-means to find most used colors
50 years of Rolling Stones tours
CartoDB mapped every Rolling Stones tour from 1963 to 2007.
The Stones passed…