Nice. See also Lisa Simpson on the curve of knowledge. [via reddit]…
Nathan Yau
Bart Simpson and the cone of ignorance
The Most Regional Names in US History
It was a challenge to choose a name for my son, someone who…
Bourbon family tree
Colin Spoelman for GQ illustrated an educated guess of the bourbon family tree.…
Databases for lazy people, a Python library
Friedrich Lindenberg and Gregor Aisch recently released dataset, a Python library to take…
Why traffic waves and congestion happen
You’re on the freeway, traffic is moving along, and for no apparent reason…
Prediction of sexual orientation through Facebook friends
Carter Jernigan and Behram F.T. Mistree found that sexual orientation of an individual…
Up all night to get data, a music video parody
Neuroscience students at the University of California, San Diego made a music video…
Running traces
The Endomondo app lets you keep track of your workouts, namely running and…
The safest time to drive
As we’ve seen, there are more fatal car crashes during the weekend and…
Infographic satire
SMBC pokes fun at big “informational” graphics with a self-referencing graphic that displays…
Estimated coastlines if the ice melted
National Geographic imagined new coastlines (and the cities that would go under) if…
Roomba traces
We’ve seen what happens when you turn on a Roomba and track its…
Global status tracker for open government data
The Open Knowledge Foundation launched the Open Data Index, so you can see…
Six decades of U.S. migration
We know that millions of Americans move to different counties every year, and…
Cancer data for the U.S. released
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released their most recent cancer data…
Accidental aRt
There comes a time late at night when your screen grows fuzzy and…
Future of Statistics livestream
The Simply Statistics unconference just started a few minutes ago. Tune in live…
U.S. Open Data Institute
With a $250,000 grant from the Knight Foundation, Waldo Jaquith pushes forward with…
Beauty of mathematics
Betrand Russell: “Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty —…
Digital attack map
A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack attempts to disable a site or…