Data Cuisine uses food as the medium

Ditch the computer screen for your data. It’s all about the food. Moritz Stefaner and prozessagenten, process by art and design ran a second round of the Data Cuisine workshop to explore how food can be used as a medium to communicate data. Naturally, you’ve got your basic visual cues, but when you introduce food, you open lots more possibilities.

[W]e have all kinds of sculptural 3D possibilities. We can work with taste — from the basic tastes of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami to complex combinations or hotness. There is texture — immensely important in cooking! Then we have all the cultural connotations of ingredients and dishes (potatoes, caviar, …). We can work with cooking parameters (e.g. baking temperature or duration). Or the temperature of the dish itself, when served!

The above shows piece of bread shows youth unemployment in Spain. See more data dishes here.