It’s always tough to pick my favorite visualization projects. Nevertheless, I gave it a go.
Nathan Yau
The Best Data Visualization Projects of 2014
Collection of physical visualizations
I’m pretty sure there’s a ton of untapped potential in data represented physically.…
Using baseball bats to display data
When a baseball player is hitting well, commentators will sometimes say that it…
Increasing rates of men who don’t work
Recent data from the Census Bureau suggests the rate of non-working men has…
When data gets creepy
You make and publish bits of data about yourself, intentionally and unintentionally, and…
Revealing location history via your phone’s Wi-Fi
When you have your phone’s Wi-Fi turned on, even if you’re not connected…
Heartbeat during marriage proposal
The moments leading up to a marriage proposal can be both exciting and…
How to Download and Use Online Data with Arduino
Before you can do anything with data, you have to get it into the application. Working with an Arduino is no different. Although the process is changes, if you’re used to working with desktop software.
Physical infographics
Photographer Marion Luttenberger used physical objects and people as her visual cues in…
Book genres for visualization
Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Viegas from Google Research ran with the book metaphor…
Data-ish physical gift things
Gift-buying season is in full swing, and it’s time to get stuff for…
Understanding segregation with a simulation
In 1971, Nobel laureate economist Thomas Schelling proposed that a desire to have…
Detailed visualization of NBA shot selection
Sports loves conditional distributions. What does Joe Billy Bob typically do against such…
Player shows tremendous growth towards Godzilla
TNT described NBA player Anthony Davis’ growth and accompanied the discussion with a…
Baseline matters
Sweet, I guess Fox News had it right all along. I’m going to…
Make your own detailed tweet maps
Eric Fischer, known around these parts for his detailed dot maps, describes his…
Motion Exposure →
Motion Exposure, a photography project by Stephen Orlando, captures movement patterns with light.…
Map print clothing
Monochome, a new service brought to you by Rachel Binx, lets you make…
Serial views
Like many, I’ve been listening to Serial every week, but I always just…
Pie chart pyramid
This pyramid pie chart just might take the pie chart humor crown from…