Musicmap is an attempt to show the history of music over time and…
Nathan Yau
Charted history of music, from its origins to present
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Annotating Charts in R
Let the data speak for itself they say. That doesn’t work a lot of the time, and when that happens, you need to explain.
Graphing all the music
Glenn McDonald attempts to graph the musical space in its entirety on a…
Election forecast tracker
FiveThirtyEight published their election forecast tracker this week, and it’s a beaut. It…
Growth of cities, going back 6,000 years
Meredith Reba, Femke Reitsma and Karen C. Seto compiled a dataset of urban…
D3 4.0 released
I typically don’t care much about code releases, but every interactive chart I…
Shifting Incomes for American Jobs
For various occupations, the difference between the person who makes the most and the one who makes the least can be significant.
Gender equality in the movies, a screenplay analysis
Hollywood has been talking gender equality in the movies more than usual lately,…
Another Data Point On the Way
We have another data point on the way, so it might suddenly go…
Procedurally generated spaceships
Video game developer Michael Davies provides a Blender script to procedurally generate pretty…
Sci-Fi short film scripted by machine learning algorithm
Filmmaker Oscar Sharp and technologist Ross Goodwin fed a machine learning algorithm with…
Emoji semantic space
Dango is an Android app that predicts relevant emojis as you type. Xavier…
What happened at Pulse in Orlando
The Tampa Bay Times takes you through a 3-D model of Pulse Nightclub…
Who Still Smokes?
Two decades out from the first statewide ban on smoking in enclosed workplaces, here’s who still smokes.
We spend more at restaurants than at grocery stores
For decades, Americans spent more money at the grocery store than at eating…
Motion capture dance
Really fun. “Motion capture, procedural animation and dynamic simulations combine to create a…
Nearly impossible to predict mass shootings with current data
Even if there were a statistical model that predicted a mass shooter with…
U.S. gun deaths rate is an outlier
If you look at gun death rates for other western countries and adjust…
Firearms Dealers vs. Burgers, Pizza, and Coffee
As of May 2016, there were 64,432 licensed firearms dealers and pawnbrokers, which got me wondering how that compares to other businesses.
Americans are Growing Bigger
We keep getting bigger. Watch overweight and obesity rates move up over several decades.