Those who grow up in poorer families are less likely to go to…
Compare your curve to reality for income versus college attendance
Upward mobility and the potential for a better life
An analysis by Raj Chetty of Harvard University and Nathaniel Hendren of NBER…
Far fewer black men than black women
Justin Wolfers, David Leonhardt, and Kevin Quealy for the Upshot explore the gender…
3-D chart for economy’s future
People like to poke fun at 3-D charts, mostly because they don’t work…
NCAA bracket game that rewards risk-taking
Unlike traditional bracket-picking, the Upshot’s bracket game has a twist. You still want…
Shrinking middle class
The Upshot has a detailed, chart-filled summary of the shrinking middle class, categorized…
Chances that a drug treatment helps
It’s a common belief that if someone has a medical condition, a patient…
Increasing rates of men who don’t work
Recent data from the Census Bureau suggests the rate of non-working men has…
Touchdown passing record
Peyton Manning, quarterback for the Denver Broncos, passed up Brett Favre’s career record…
Senate results maps →
The New York Times pushed out super-detailed, precinct-level maps for the Senate election.…
Flooding risk cartogram
As you may or may not know, climate change could bring with it…
State of birth, by state and over time
We’ve seen migration within the United States before, but Gregor Aisch, Robert Gebeloff,…
Mapping the spread of drought, nationally →
Although California has perhaps had it the worst, drought also affects other states,…
Changing World Cup fans →
Shan Carter and Kevin Quealy for the Upshot have a look at sports…
Birth year and political leanings →
A statistical model, from Yair Ghitza of Catalist and Andrew Gelman of Columbia…
Employment-to-population ratios →
The Upshot posted an interesting chart that shows changing employment rate by state.…
Jobs recovery and loss, by industry →
Jeremy Ashkenas and Alicia Parlapiano for The Upshot just plopped this interactive sucker…
NBA basketball fans by ZIP code
After the popularity of The Upshot’s baseball fandom map, it’s no surprise the…
Detailed map of baseball fandom →
For the past couple of sports seasons, Facebook mapped the most liked team…
The Upshot, a data-centric site from The New York Times launched
We heard a little bit about The Upshot last month. Now we get…