The Painted Ladies houses, which includes the house from the 1990s sitcom Full…
California property taxes, through the Painted Ladies houses
Tax services want your data
Taxes are due today in the U.S. (yay). Geoffrey A. Fowler for The…
How sports owners pay less taxes than athletes
ProPublica continues their analysis of an anonymous dump of tax records, this time…
How the ultrarich use a Roth IRA to get more rich
ProPublica continues their analysis of an anonymous IRS tax records dump. In their…
Billionaire tax rates
ProPublica anonymously obtained billionaires’ tax returns. Combining the data with Forbes’ billionaire wealth…
Timeline of the President’s taxes
The New York Times got a hold of the President’s tax records for…
Animated line chart to show the rich paying less taxes
David Leonhardt, for The New York Times, discusses the relatively low tax rates…
Where the IRS most likely audits
Using estimates from a study on regional bias in tax audits, ProPublica mapped…
Tax changes for different groups
There’s less than a month until taxes are due. It’s the most wonderful…
Tax calculator that considers where you live
Here’s a different look at tax cuts and increases from Reuben Fischer-Baum for…
How your taxes will change
I’m pretty sure this is all that most people want to know. The…
Middle-class tax cuts and increases from Senate bill
A lot of tax debate centers around the “average” American family, with focus…
Every tax cut and increase in House Republicans’ bill
The House Republicans will vote on a tax bill soon that adds about…
Given your income, most beneficial tax breaks
With the release of the Republican proposed tax plan, Reuben Fischer-Baum and Kevin…
Income Taxes You Would Pay in Each State
Some states have high rates. Some have low. But whether a state is lower or higher for you depends on more than just the high brackets.
How much the US imports from Mexico
Most goods imported from Mexico are untaxed under the North American Free Trade…
Balance the Trump and Cruz tax plans
The tax plans of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump might seem fine if…
Married couple tax bonuses and penalties
Using calculations by Nick Kasprak from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities…
LEGO explainer: Taxes and income inequality
LEGOs make everything better. David Wessel for Brookings Institution explains how federal taxes…
State Income Tax Brackets Charted
I’m sure you finished your taxes months ago, but here’s a chart of…