In an effort to reduce traffic, New York launched a program that charges…
New York
Tracking the effects of Congestion Pricing in New York
Shifting currents and melting ice in the Antarctic
Based on data from autonomous sensors floating in the oceans, researchers are able…
All the buildings in Manhattan in 3-D map
Taylor Baldwin mapped all of the buildings in Manhattan using a 3-D layout.…
Cell reception on the subway, mapped
Daniel Goddemeyer and Dominikus Baur grew interested in cell reception while on the…
On Broadway shows city life through data cross-sections
On Broadway, by Daniel Goddemeyer, Moritz Stefaner, Dominikus Baur, and Lev Manovich, provides…
Bike share data in New York, animated
Citi Bike, also known as NYC Bike Share, is releasing monthly data dumps…
Before and after lot vacancy
Justin Blinder used New York’s city planning dataset and Google Streetview for a…
Olympic events placed in New York for scale →
The New York Times published a fun piece that places Winter Olympic events…
Lego New York
I’m not sure what these digitally rendered Lego blocks by JR Schmidt represent,…
Average color of NYC skies, every five minutes
The color of the sky changes through the day and into the night…
What New Yorkers complain about
Wired, in collaboration with Pitch Interactive, has a look at complaints called in…