Cartoonist Becky Barnicoat illustrates the passing of time over a year. Seems right:…
How time works
Illustration of ranked-choice voting
Connie Hanzhang Jin and Kaitlyn Radde, for NPR, used illustrations to explain how…
Tree Talk
Kelton Sears used a vertical scroll upwards to think about trees and time.…
Coping with the big numbers
Connie Jin, who works for NPR and updates a Covid-19 dashboard, talks about…
How the Census translates to power, a cat comic
State population dictates the number of seats in the House of Representatives, so…
A comic on spotting misinformation
There’s a lot of misinformation passing through the internets right now. A lot.…
Now pull
A comic by Marcos Balfagón attaches action to the curve.…
Diverging line plot as the perfect comic
This is perfect. Willikin Wolf made characters out of two dots moving along…
Data comic shows an average American day
Matt Hong used a stacked bar chart over time as the frame for…
Math to fix gerrymandering, explained in comic
Gerrymandering doesn’t sound like an especially sexy topic, but it’s an important one…
T-shirt life cycle
Nick Foster has some fun with t-shirt classification after cleaning out his closet:…
No axis labels
xkcd geekdom for your slow Monday afternoon. Can you imagine being with someone…