Last week, Facebook announced that it was making the Trending Topics section more…
Sans human, Facebook’s Trending Topics algorithm faired poorly
Top Brewery Road Trip, Routed Algorithmically
There are a lot of great craft breweries in the United States, but there is only so much time. This is the computed best way to get to the top rated breweries and how to maximize the beer tasting experience. Every journey begins with a single sip.
Computer program learns to play classic Nintendo games
I knew I had seen another automated video game thing before. Tom Murphy…
Automated Super Mario World gameplay through machine learning
Seth Bling made a bot — MarI/O — that automatically learns how to…
Problems with algorithmic policy-making
Virginia Eubanks for Slate describes the dangers of relying too heavily on black-boxed…
Algorithm-generated song, based on income data
In the first song of his music experiment Data-Driven DJ, visual artist Brian…
Genetic algorithm walkers
If you ever wondered what it looks like when QWOP-like figures learn to…
Crystal clusters of world data
Artist Scott Kildall generates what he calls World Data Crystals by mapping data…
Why $1m Netflix algorithm never went to production
Five and a half years ago, Netflix offered data and a $1 million…
Algorithm estimates who’s in control
Jon Kleinberg, whose work influenced Google’s PageRank, is working on ranking something else.…