
Graphics by Nathan Yau, borne out of everyday curiosities, learning experiments, and mild insomnia.

Differences Between Women and Men’s Everyday with Kids

The day-to-day changes a lot when you have kids. However, it seems to change more for women than it does for men.

How Much the Everyday Changes When You Have Kids

I compared time use for those with children under 18 against those without. Here's where the minutes go.

Cost of College

We know that more education usually equals more income, but as the cost of education continues to rise, the challenge to earn a college degree also increases.

When People Find a New Job

Looking at the 100 most common jobs people switched to, a timeline comes into view when we adjust the relative switch rates by age.

Damian Lillard’s Game-Winner in Context

Here are all the playoff threes he's made in his playoff career, plus some R code.


The redacted version (pdf) of the Mueller report was released today. Here’s the…

Percentage of Households in Each Income Level

What percentage of households fall into lower-, middle-, and upper-income levels when you adjust for household size?

What Qualifies as Middle-Income in Each State

The meaning of "middle-income" changes a lot depending on where you live and your household size.

Happiness and Health

When one goes down, so does the other. If only there were a way to keep more people healthy.

The Stages of Relationships, Distributed

Everyone's relationship timeline is a little different. This animation plays out real-life paths to marriage.

The Relationship Timeline Continues to Stretch

We know that people are marrying later in life, but that's not the only shift. The whole relationship timeline is stretching.

Shifts in How Couples Meet, Online Takes the Top

How do couples meet now and how has it changed over the years? Watch the rankings play out over six decades.

How People Meet Their Partners

"So how'd you two meet?" There's always a story, but the general ways people meet are usually similar. Here are the most common.

A Day in the Life: Women and Men

Using the past couple of years of data from the American Time Use Survey, I simulated a working day for men and women to see how schedules differ. Watch it play out in this animation.

Where Your Job is Most Popular

Some jobs are common nationwide, because they are needed everywhere. Others are more specific to geography. See where job falls on the spectrum.