The creative process changes by person and project, but there are obstacles and…
Nathan Yau
Picturing the creative process
Twitter users as organisms, Tweetures
Twitter is a bustling place of tweets, retweets, and replies, and the growth…
Kill Math makes math more meaningful
After a certain point in math education, like some time during high school,…
All numbers lead to one
In 1937, mathematician Lothar Collatz proposed that given the following algorithm, you will…
Submarine cable system connecting the world
TeleGeography maps underwater cables that connect countries and continents:
TeleGeography’s free interactive submarine… -
Generating graphs of retweets and @-messages →
Quick guide using R and Gephi
Flowchart: Which of NPR’s top 100 science fiction and fantasy books should you read?
SF Signal constructs a big arse flowchart to help you sift through NPR’s…
Most popular infographics generalized
Yep, still amusing. [via]…
The Many Words for Visualization
There are a lot of words to describe visualization and visualization-related things. It…
Live data wall and immersive film at THINK exhibit
The THINK exhibit from IBM just opened up at Lincoln Center in New…
The Fortune 500, 1955 to 2010
Since 1955, Fortune Magazine has published a list of America’s 500 largest companies.…
Deleted Geocities archive visualized as city
In a time long ago, there existed a place on the Internet called…
Who does all the text messaging? Young adults by far.
The Pew Internet and American Life Project published the results of their texting…
5 misconceptions about visualization
Last month, I had the pleasure of spending a week at the Census…
Rectangular subdivisions of the world
Eric Fischer, who continues his string of mapping fun and doesn’t even do…
Musical spectrum analysis
Jon-Kyle Mohr visualizes the musical spectrum of a song in this mesmerizing video.…
Imager shows cross-sections of everyday objects – analog version
GE shows how their body imaging technology can take detailed pictures of insides…
Quick time series visualization with Cube
Seeing how things change over time can be important for a business so…
How do Americans spend their days?
One of my favorite data graphics is an interactive piece by The New…
Explore large image collections with ImagePlot
When we make charts and graphs, we usually think of the data abstractions…