After reading another article about the flood of data that we’re drowning and…
Nathan Yau
Open thread: Are we drowning or swimming in data?
Ember and D3 →
How Square built a responsive analytics page
Charities Use Infographics for Attention →
Well, a lot of people are these days. There are some pointers in here though how not to do it crappy.
What a Pound of Change is Worth
After seeing his friend’s CoinStar receipt for 27 pounds of coins that equalled…
Members Only
Interactive Time Series Chart with Filters
Time series charts can easily turn to spaghetti when you have multiple categories. By highlighting the ones of interest, you can direct focus and allow comparisons.
The New World of Massive Data Mining →
Podcast on the growing number of uses
Explore Geographic Coverage in Mapping Wikipedia
TraceMedia, in collaboration with the Oxford Internet Institute, maps language use across Wikipedia…
Fear of Big Brother and Government Surveys
Other than ten-year population estimates, the United States Census Bureau annually collects information…
Abstract City →
There’s a book! A print version of Niemann’s blog
Producing SciAm Infographics in the Era of “Big Data” →
A change in focus to clarity and simplicity from one of technologies last year
Rendering High Resolution Maps in Kartograph →
Shows a lot of potential
1940 Census Individual Records Released
The 72-year mark has arrived, and the United States Census released individual records…
The Man Who Broke Atlantic City →
Long story short, as a high-roller, he negotiated small changes at the Black Jack table and was able to shave the house advantage.
1940 Census Released →
Plus a simple graphic on how things have changed
Data Journalism Handbook →
Not out yet, but it looks promising
GM Uses LEGOs for Visual Management Tool
I thought this was a joke, but it appears GM really is using…
8-bit Google Maps, Start Your Quest
If you go to Google Maps right now, there’s an option in the…
Designing great data products →
Apps that actually do something with data other than spit it out
How Much More Women Pay for Health Insurance
So the Obama campaign posted this yesterday. Discuss.…
Data Visualization Landscape →
A back and forth between just the facts vs. storytelling, and form vs. function