Unlike Daniel LaRusso, most students need context for the importance and meaning of concepts to soak through [via]
Nathan Yau
Mr. Miyagi and statistics education →
How to read a topographic map →
You know, the one with all the lines and shading
Google launches indoor maps →
For airports, shopping, and such
Children can do stats, probably →
Researchers trying to get kids to understand randomness
Mitt Romney pseudo-venn diagram, used incorrectly
The Mitt Romney campaign put this venn diagram up a few days ago,…
A year of global cloud coverage →
Jonathan Corum for the New York Times mapped cloud coverage from April 2011…
James Bond of Data Science →
His name is Conway. Drew Conway. He takes his data open, not closed.
Recline.js →
Javascript library by Open Knowledge Foundation for building data applications in the browser
Creating Animations and Transitions With D3 →
Good primer
Beer versus church mapped →
The geographers at Floatingsheep are at it again, this time comparing tweets that…
DC power outage →
NASA satellite images of before and after the lights went out
Age range of US Olympic athletes, by sport
The Washington Post has a fun piece that compares your age to that…
The Higgs Boson explained by PhD Comics
Don’t know what the Higgs Boson is (or even how to pronounce it)?…
Infographics are like Mother’s Day cards
Stamen Design is the cover story of this month’s Icon Magazine. Well deserved.…
Sparse Matrices in R →
Making use of the Matrix and glmnet packages
Toner V2 →
Stamen updated their custom black and white map tiles, looking even classier
Intro to Statistics →
Free course on extracting meaning from data
Huffington Post Pollster API →
Data for 215k responses from 13k polls
Members Only
How to Make Stacked Area Charts in R
From the basic area chart, to the stacked version, to the streamgraph, the geometry is similar. Once you know how to do one, you can do them all.
How long it takes to get pregnant
The odds of getting pregnant after a certain time trying are surprisingly hard…