Lillian Pierson provides a summary of methods to measure distance and clustering in a spatial context.
Nathan Yau
Statistics for Point Pattern Analysis in the Real World
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Small Maps and Grids
Maybe you want to make spatial comparisons over time or across categories. Organized small maps might do the trick.
Dictionary of Numbers extension adds context to numbers
We read and hear numbers in the news all the time, but it…
Reading the data
The Economist covered a handful of visualization books in this week’s issue, and…
A people-centric view of your Gmail inbox
Immersion by the MIT Media Lab is a view into your inbox that…
Instagram cities
The collaborative project Phototrails is a visual exploration of millions of Instagram photos,…
Yelp maps words used in reviews
We typically think of Yelp reviews as aggregates on a restaurant or business-specific…
Mapping all the rivers in the United States
Inspired by Ben Fry’s All Streets map, which showed every road in the…
FlowingData turned six years old last week. I didn’t realize it until after…
Housing price changes →
Shan Carter and Kevin Quealy for The New York Times updated their housing…
A Choropleth in QGIS
Xaquín G.V. has a dead simple tutorial on how to make a choropleth map with open source QGIS.
Earth’s skies with Saturn’s rings →
Illustrator Ron Miller imagined what Earth’s skies would look like if we had…
Statistics jokes
There’s a fun CrossValidated thread on statistics jokes. Here’s the one with the…
Grocery store geography
I’ve been poking around grocery store locations, courtesy of AggData, the past few…
The Boy Who Loved Math →
The Boy Who Loved Math: The Improbable Life of Paul Erdős, written by…
Atlas of literal place names
We go places. They have names. What do these names mean though? The…
Contrailz: Detailed flight patterns at major airports
Alexey Papulovskiy collected flight data from Plane Finder for a month, which essentially…
Income inequality, real and personal
In a different take on the income inequality issue, the Economic Policy Institute,…
The Insanely Illustrated Guide to Your First Data-Driven TileMill Map
TileMill makes it easy to make custom maps. Here’s a detailed, illustrated tutorial on how to do that.
Beer recommendation system in R
Using data from Beer Advocate, in the form of 1.5 million reviews, yhat…