Looking for a job in data science, visualization, or analytics? There are openings…
Nathan Yau
FlowingData Job Board, October 2013
Monty Hall xkcd →
Nice one, xkcd.…
Evolution of western dance music
A quick animated look on the evolution of western dance music, a mixture…
Degrees of separation between athletes from different sports
You’ve probably heard of the six degrees of Kevin Bacon. The idea is…
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How to Display Text in R
Text can provide much needed context to traditional visual cues and can be used as a visual cue itself in some cases.
Most popular girl names by state
Reuben Fischer-Baum looks at the most popular girl names by state, over the…
Regional personality
Peter J. Rentfrow, et al. studied personality clusters across states using data from…
Responsive maps with D3.js
A challenge these days with visualization is that a piece might look great…
My data point
It’s been continuous tracking and monitoring for the past couple of days and…
R plotting package ggplot2 ported to Python
Those who use the ggplot2 package in R and do everything else in…
Super duper full-featured paper map
Check out this awesome new thing called MAP. It’s made of 100% sustainable…
Pizza Place Geography
Most of the major pizza chains are within a 5-mile radius of where…
Average man graphic renderings
James Hamblin for The Atlantic rendered the average American man based on BMI…
Maritime traffic in the Baltic Sea, animated
Digital artist Lauri Vanhala animated a day of maritime traffic in the Baltic…
Map of median home listing prices
In their continued efforts to help potential home buyers find out all they…
Furloughed employees during shutdown
Dan Delany took a simple look at furloughed employees due to the government…
Raw, a tool to turn spreadsheets to vector graphics
Sometimes it can be a challenge to produce data graphics in vector format,…
Real-time media consumption
Last year, URL shortening service bitly and Forbes made a map that showed…
Data point on the way
I’m at an age where my feed is filled with data points. Every…
10 seconds of extreme trading
The video below shows ten seconds of trading on Blackberry on October 2,…