Private schools cost extra. So as you might imagine, the demographics, often tied…
Private school demographics
Claim file request generator
Health insurers reject claims often, and if this happens, you can file an…
Rights at risk at the U.S. Supreme Court level
For ProPublica, Ian MacDougall and Sergio Hernandez evaluated records of sitting justices to…
Deforestation and increased risk of outbreaks
For ProPublica, Al Shaw, Irena Hwang, and Caroline Chen explain the increased risk…
Curiously timed stock trades by ultra-wealthy
Continuing an analysis of IRS records, Robert Faturechi and Ellis Simani for ProPublica…
Unreturned Native American remains, mapped
A law was passed in 1990 that allowed Native American tribes to request…
Algorithmic rent increase
It’s growing more common for landlords to use software to set the rental…
Comparing rich people incomes and the taxes they pay
Based on leaked IRS data for the 400 wealthiest Americans, ProPublica provides a…
Analysis of Facebook groups before January 6
The Washington Post and ProPublica analyzed Facebook group posts that disputed election results:…
Where cancer risk is greater due to air pollution
Based on five years of data from EPA models, ProPublica mapped areas in…
Check the frequency of salmonella in your chicken
The USDA recommends that you cook your chicken to at least 165°F to…
How sports owners pay less taxes than athletes
ProPublica continues their analysis of an anonymous dump of tax records, this time…
How the ultrarich use a Roth IRA to get more rich
ProPublica continues their analysis of an anonymous IRS tax records dump. In their…
Billionaire tax rates
ProPublica anonymously obtained billionaires’ tax returns. Combining the data with Forbes’ billionaire wealth…
Inadequate hate crime statistics
For ProPublica, Ken Schwencke reports on a poor data system that relies on…
Parler video feed of the mob at the Capitol
As you probably know, there was a big Parler data scrape before the…
Mapping disappearing beaches in Hawaii
Ash Ngu for ProPublica and Sophie Cocke for Honolulu Star-Advertiser show the harm…
Long-term timelines for judicial appointments
Federal judge appointments are for a lifetime, so the younger a judge is…
More fire weather days coming
It’s been smoky this season. Based on research from Michael Goss et al.,…
Tracking what happens to police after use of force on protestors
You’ve probably seen the videos. ProPublica is tracking to see what happens after:…