I typically don’t care much about code releases, but every interactive chart I…
Mike Bostock
D3 4.0 released
What Makes Software Good? →
Thoughtfulness in design from d3.js maker Mike Bostock. One of the main reasons I go with d3.js over other libraries.
Mike Bostock AMA →
The creator of d3.js is answering questions on reddit right now. Saving for later, as I am sure there will be many interesting bits.
Visualizing algorithms →
Mike Bostock, who you might recognize from such things as Data-Driven Documents or…
Make your own US rivers and roads maps
Inspired by Nelson Minar’s map of US rivers, Mike Bostock demonstrates how to…
For Example
Mike Bostock, creator of D3, believes in using examples to show what can be done with his code.
Shifting states over the decades, between Democrat and Republican →
Mike Bostock and Shan Carter visualized how states have shifted parties over the…
Quick time series visualization with Cube
Seeing how things change over time can be important for a business so…
Mobile patent lawsuits
Mike Bostock visualizes mobile patent lawsuits, improving on a graphic from Thomson Reuters…