[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouIFSDQwkQM” /]
Jeffrey Heer, a computer science professor at the University of…
lunch talk
Constructing charts and graphs
Making useless things
Simone Giertz, bringer of joy and self-described expert in shitty robots, makes machines…
Data with the feels
Data can be fact and analytical. It can help you make objective decisions.…
R in the data journalism workflow at FiveThirtyEight
R has found its way into a good number of news groups who…
OpenVis Conf talks all online
If you’re looking for a knowledge bomb during your lunch breaks, the OpenVis…
Working with R at the New York Times
Amanda Cox from the New York Times was on the Data Stories podcast.…
R is quirky, flawed, and an enormous success
Most people who use R on the regular learned the language in the…
Power of the reveal
Hannah Fairfield, who does graphics at the New York Times, talks about using…
Why exploring big data is hard
The talks from OpenVisConf 2015 went up, so I’m slowly making my way…
Future of visualization
Jeffrey Heer, computer science professor and co-founder of Trifacta, describes the future of…
Mathematics of love
Mathematician Hannah Fry talks about love in terms of three “mathematically verifiable” tips:…
Trust engineers
The most recent episode of RadioLab is on social experimentation and social networks.…
Being dangerous
Think big data, and it’s tough not to associate it with big corporations…
Machine learning podcast
I’m glad podcasts are a thing right now. Talking Machines is a new…
Eric Rodenbeck on visualization and running a studio
Eric Rodenbeck is the founder and creative director for Stamen. No doubt you’ve…
Book genres for visualization
Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Viegas from Google Research ran with the book metaphor…
You, Me and My Computer
This talk that Lauren McCarthy gave at Eyeo is good. McCarthy, an artist…