Big data is just a bunch of numbers; computers will do the brute force labor, but you still have to use your brain.
Resource Links
Without Human Insight →
Why infographics rule →
This is how marketers see visualization and information graphics. Glorified spam, kind of.
D3 map projections →
A collection by Jason Davies of the map projections possible with D3
R and Data Mining: Examples and Case Studies →
Download the book as a PDF with R code supplement
Eyeo Festival 2013 →
Tickets don’t go on sale until February, but the first half of the speaker list was revealed. Looks great.
NYT year in graphics →
Highlights from the world’s best graphics department in journalism
Donorschoose hires data scientist →
Using powers for good to improve education
D3 3.0 →
Built-in geographic projections, better transitions, and more extensive asynchronous requests
An Illustrator to TileMill workflow →
It usually moves the other direction.
Twitter archive download →
Finally, Twitter rolls out a feature to download all of your tweets as one file. They’re slowly making it available to users.
CSV Logger →
A simple iPhone app to keep track of what you want and store it in CSV format
Research-quality datasets →
A wide variety of datasets you can actually do stuff with
Graphs explained →
Primer on network diagrams. See also.
Small multiples with details on demand →
Small charts. Click. Big chart.
Solving for W →
I’ve been on a statistics-for-basketball spree as of late
How Obama’s data scientists built a volunteer army →
Changing times and new ways to reach people
Big data at Riot Games →
Learning how people play their games to provide more fun
This man makes data look beautiful →
A profile of the omnipresent Jer Thorp on Mashable
Hexagonal binning in D3 →
Useful with dense point clouds; also this method using size instead of color
Web scraping for fun and profit →
This looks promising. Benefits include: stability, anonymous access, and no rate limiting.