Plus a simple graphic on how things have changed
Resource Links
1940 Census Released →
Data Journalism Handbook →
Not out yet, but it looks promising
Designing great data products →
Apps that actually do something with data other than spit it out
Data Visualization Landscape →
A back and forth between just the facts vs. storytelling, and form vs. function
You’re Doin’ it Wrong →
Quick talk highlighting not so good visualization examples
Infographics Lessons from Malofiej →
25 fine tips on designing graphics that matter
Using Google Refine to Clean Messy Data →
Thorough step-by-step
Jake Porway →
A Q&A with Jake Porway, Data Without Borders founder and all-around good guy
A Taxonomy of Data Science →
Obtain, scrub, explore, model, and interpret [via]
Data in an Alien Context →
Jer Thorp releases the source code for his Kepler visualization
Political Ad Money →
“If TV stations won’t post their data on political ads, we will.”
Infographic that Made Me Cry →
Former Director of Information Graphics at Newsweek remembers one stressful night of infographic-making.
Watercolor Process →
Steps behind Stamen’s beautiful computer-generated maps that easily pass for handmade
Theme Park Maps →
Giant archive from different years and locations. Yeah, the Internet has everything.
Beating the New York Times →
Learn to code and edit wisely
Bypassing Google Maps →
As the big G charges for map services, some applications are going custom
Functional Programming in R →
Improve code performance, knowing what R is actually doing [via]
NYT at Malofiej 20 →
As expected, the newspaper and site win top honors in the annual awards with Best of Show going to their graphics on Guantanamo detainees
Of kitchens, kittens, and Khrushchev →
Background from Fathom on their latest piece with GE, which explores keywords in annual reports
sigma.js →
JavaScript library to easily draw network graphs