Place multiple categories on top of each other for a sense of distribution and overall change. Watch out for large counts eclipsing the small ones.
You could use a package, but then you couldn't customize every single element, and where's the fun in that?
There are many ways to show parts of a whole. Here are quick one-liners for the more common ones.
Stacked area charts let you see categorical data over time. Interaction allows you to focus on specific categories without losing sight of the big picture.
From the basic area chart, to the stacked version, to the streamgraph, the geometry is similar. Once you know how to do one, you can do them all.
About 4% of registered light-duty vehicles in the United States are either electric,…
Breaking it down to the small steps and choices with data, code, and editing that lead to a finished chart.
One-third of households are rented and the other two-thirds are owned or in the process. However, the difference between renting and owning changes with age.
To capture solar energy for use in the evening, batteries have grown in…
For The Upshot, Emily Badger and Francesca Paris compare the rates of existing…
For Bloomberg, Rachael Dottle and Leslie Kaufman go with the combo stacked area…
NameGrapher is an interactive chart that lets you explore historical trends for baby…
For Our World in Data, Max Roser discusses the risk and possible destruction…
Here's how the distribution of genres has changed since 1945 up to present.
Using an oldie but goodie visualization format to look at time use between different groups.
Anna Flagg, for NYT’s The Upshot, used dots arranged as a stacked area…
Weather Strip is a new weather app by visualization researcher Robin Stewart. It…
Reuters looked at how seven main strains of the virus evolved around the…
The New York Times got a hold of the President’s tax records for…
In the 1950s, almost half of all employed people were either in farming or manufacturing. As you can imagine, work changed a bit over the years.
We know that more education usually equals more income, but as the cost of education continues to rise, the challenge to earn a college degree also increases.