Stacked Area Chart

Place multiple categories on top of each other for a sense of distribution and overall change. Watch out for large counts eclipsing the small ones.

Who is Older and Younger than You

Here's a chart to show you how long you have until you start to feel your age.

How to Make an Interactive Stacked Area Chart

Stacked area charts let you see categorical data over time. Interaction allows you to focus on specific categories without losing sight of the big picture.

Causes of Death

There are many ways to die. Cancer. Infection. Mental. External. This is how different groups of people died over the past 10 years, visualized by age.

The Most Unisex Names in US History

Moving on from the most trendy names in US history, let’s look at…

How to Make Stacked Area Charts in R

From the basic area chart, to the stacked version, to the streamgraph, the geometry is similar. Once you know how to do one, you can do them all.

How People in America Spend Their Day

From Shan Carter, Amanda Cox, Kevin Quealy, and Amy Schoenfeld of The New…