
Graphics by Nathan Yau, borne out of everyday curiosities, learning experiments, and mild insomnia.

Doctor timeline for Doctor Who

I have yet to see a full episode of Doctor Who, “the longest-running…

The Most Trendy Names in US History

Names are incredibly personal things. It’s how we identity ourselves. We associate others,…

Economist spotting

It was surprisingly hard for me to find a physical copy of this…

Reading the data

The Economist covered a handful of visualization books in this week’s issue, and…

Grocery store geography

I’ve been poking around grocery store locations, courtesy of AggData, the past few…

What the Sexes Want, in Speed Dating

A few years ago I downloaded speed dating data from experiments conducted by…

Data Points: Sample chapter

It’s hard to believe it’s been over a month since Data Points: Visualization…

Introducing Data Points

Whoa, that was fast. Data Points is now available. Thanks to all of…

Data Points: Preview

This appeared at my door today. It’s awesome. I suspect those who pre-ordered…

Data Points: What it’s like to write a book

As the publication of Data Points nears, I’m excited to hold it in…

Data Points: First look

For the past year, I’ve been working on Data Points: Visualization that Means…

The real A/C repair schedule

My central air conditioner started to suck about a month ago, so I…

What 3-D pie charts are good for

3-D pie charts are never a good idea? Ha. You just got served.…

Girls expected to live shorter lives in some counties?

We've seen life expectancy at the country and state levels, but the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation recently released life expectancy data at the county level.

Gender wage gap, how much less women make than men

Three or four articles on the gender wage gap popped up on my radar last week, some focusing on the rise of women as the lead household earner and others on how much less women make. I took a look.