Government data is, shall we say, not the easiest to use and look…
Software that makes a part of your data job easier.
Data USA makes government data easier to explore
Suite of data tools for beginners, focused on fun
Data can be intimidating and confusing for beginners, and as a result they…
Simulate the world as an emoji system of rules
We tend to think of life in terms of cause and effect. Do…
An uncertain spreadsheet for estimates
A lot of data you get are estimates with uncertainty attached. Plus or…
The Distillery →
A mini-app from Shan Carter to convert GeoJSON to TopoJSON. Simplify geometry and change projections along the way.
Google Trends in real-time
Google Trends used to be a place where you looked up trends for…
CSV Fingerprint: Spot errors in your data at a glance
You get your CSV file, snuggle under your blanket with a glass of…
Learn regular expressions with RegExr
Learning regular expressions tends to involve a lot of trial and error and…
Raw, a tool to turn spreadsheets to vector graphics
Sometimes it can be a challenge to produce data graphics in vector format,…
Easier Census data browsing with CensusReporter
Census data can be interesting and super informative, but getting the data out…
Forecast: A weather site that’s easier to read →
When you go to one of the major sites to look up the…
Learn about politics in your state with Open States
It’s not especially straightforward to know or find out what’s going on with…
Geocoding in Google Spreadsheets →
Nifty trick that uses Mapquest API as source
iWantHue →
Automatically make a color palette based on color space
Analyze your Facebook profile with Wolfram|Alpha
Feeding off the momentum from Stephen Wolfram’s personal analytics earlier this year, Wolfram|Alpha…
More infographic software
Recently there’s been a spate of infographic tools popping up (e.g.,, venngage,…
Automated infographics with
I’m pretty sure I’m not in their target audience, but my main takeaway…
WolframAlpha Pro launches in an effort to democratize data science
Taking the next step in the Wolfram|Alpha experiment, Wolfram launches a Pro version…
BuzzData aims to make data more social
In many ways, data wants to be social. It wants to get out…
On the Launch of Visually
A couple of weeks ago, Visually, a new infographics-based startup, launched with a…