Does more crime happen during the late hours of the night or in…
Nathan Yau
When crime happens in major cities
FlowingData is brought to you by…
A big thank you to the FlowingData sponsors. This little blog wouldn’t be…
Sales receipt redesign
Design firm Berg rethinks the everyday sales receipt under the premise that registers…
The History of Cartography →
Complete Volume 1 from 1987, available for free
Hitler learns topology
In another reword of the pivotal scene in Der Untergang, Adolf Hitler learns…
Organizational charts in major tech
Manu Cornet caricaturizes org charts of major tech companies, such as Amazon with…
Custom maps in Processing
Till Nagel teaches you how to design custom maps in Processing with TileMill.…
Takin’ data to the streets. Word.
Whenever I’m out late at night with my bottle of black spray paint…
A year of food consumption visualized
My pending thesis is on personal data collection (i.e. quantified self, personal informatics,…
DataBot mouse makes larger files physically harder to move
Files and folders on your computer look and feel the same regardless of…
Anatomy of a computer virus explained
Motion designer Patrick Clair tells the story of Stuxnet, “a Microsoft Windows computer…
Elements of Happiness: A happy life depicted in diagrams
For several decades, Harvard Laboratory of Adult Development has chronicled the lives of…
Dotspotting to make city data more legible
Last year Stamen Design received a grant from the Knight News Challenge to…
Average color of NYC skies, every five minutes
The color of the sky changes through the day and into the night…
Sufficiently large X
As comic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal explains, this is what happens when a…
Imagining the future of information graphics
While information graphics have been around for decades, their current form is brand…
Words used in commencement speeches
If you’ve visited YouTube in the past couple of weeks, you’ve probably noticed…
Award-nominated movies vs. highest grossing
Dorothy Gambrell of very small array continues with her fascination of movie quality…
Data Without Borders
Data is everywhere, but use of data is not. So many of our…
Inbox Influence shows political contributions by the people in your email
While browser plugins like Rapportive tell you the social networks that people in…