From illustrator Stephen Wildish: the pancake venn diagram. Is it Friday yet? [via]…
Nathan Yau
Pancake Venn
Datasets Archive →
A subreddit for data
OpenLayers Symbology →
JavaScript library for choropleth, proportional symbol, cartogram, dot density, and isoline mapping
Hans Rosling makes Time 100 Most Influential
It was bound to happen at some point. Doctor and statistician Hans Rosling,…
Gimme my data
We intentionally and unintentionally put data in places like Facebook and Google but…
Tracking drought in the US
NPR has a look at weekly drought figures over the past couple of…
Overcoming Artificial Stupidity →
“Wolfram|Alpha is now on average giving complete, successful responses to more than 90% of the queries entered on its website”
Explore the Solar System like your backyard
Game developer Christopher Albeluhn found himself unemployed, so he started to work on…
Graphs, from paper to pixels
Brian Hayes for American Scientist discusses science publications’ roots in print and the…
Why $1m Netflix algorithm never went to production
Five and a half years ago, Netflix offered data and a $1 million…
Rickshaw →
Built on top of D3 for easier time series charts
Quantum GIS →
Open source alternative to the high-priced commercial GIS software
Interactive Islands of Mankind
Geography graduate student Derek Watkins has some fun with population densities in an…
Insight Data Science Fellows Program →
Six-week post-doc training fellowship to form bridges across academia and practice
Changing map colors →
The Guardian Datablog posted a choropleth map; readers helped them fix it
Census director resigns to Georgetown →
Loss for the Bureau, a gain for the university
Gender wage gap, how much less women make than men
Three or four articles on the gender wage gap popped up on my radar last week, some focusing on the rise of women as the lead household earner and others on how much less women make. I took a look.
Visual Aesthetics →
How they play a role in human-computer interaction and evaluating them
Mapping Process →
The steps behind making NYT map in R, showing where Rick Santorum stood before he suspended his campaign
A century of ocean shipping animated
Using hand-recorded shipping data from the Climatological Database for the World’s Oceans, history…