JavaScript library for reactive documents, as seen in Bret Victor’s talk
Nathan Yau
Tangle →
Clarity or Aesthetics →
Find a balance between the two
Income inequality seen in satellite images from Google Earth
Researchers Pengyu Zhua and Yaoqi Zhang noted in their 2008 paper that “the…
Overfishing visually explained
As part of their mission to reform destructive fishing practices, Ocean2012 explains the…
Geography of incarceration
New York University graduate student Josh Begley grabbed 4,916 satellite images of prisons…
The Overview Effect →
Lovely set of slides by Sha Hwang on the awe from from data
Making your R graphics look their best →
Old but all still applicable
Members Only
How to Draw in R and Make Custom Plots
When base graphics and existing packages don’t do it for you, turn to low-level graphics functions to make what you want.
Political allegiance via wireless network SSIDs, mapped
Wireless network SSIDs in residential areas are typically left on default router names…
Data Challenge →
New Knight News Challenge is focused on data. $5m in funding this round.
ggplot2 blog →
Hadley Wickham started posting uses of the popular R graphics package
Manipulating data like a boss with d3 →
Gotta get it in the right format before you visualize anything
Bitly Data Artist →
Probably after seeing what Jer Thorp did as one at NYT, the shortlink service is out the lookout
Resources for Getting Started with R
R, the open source statistical software environment, is powerful but can be a…
jQuery plugin that associates HTML vocabulary “making it frighteningly easy to make web-native geographic maps”
gmaps.js →
Makes using Google Maps API trivial
Tennis racket mountain range chart
By Dan Piraro of Bizarro Comics. This is what happens when you don’t…
Interview with Amanda Cox →
Her workflow at NYT
Don’t use scatterplots →
An argument for defaulting to density plots. Doesn’t pan out for smaller datasets
VivaGraphJS →
Impressive graph drawing library. Check out the demos linked part way down.