John Edmark made some pretty things.…
Nathan Yau
Fibonacci sculptures fake movement
Snow depth by dogs
For the US east coasters and their pets.…
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Choropleth Maps and Shapefiles in R
Fill those empty polygons with color, based on shapefile or external data.
Sexual insecurities found in Google search results
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz continues with his Google search data-related op-eds for the New York…
Metrocard purchasing workflows compared
The process to purchase a MetroCard for the New York Subway is different…
The dots are people
The simple analysis is to approach data blind, as machine output. But this…
Being dangerous
Think big data, and it’s tough not to associate it with big corporations…
Convert geographic data to 3-D models for printing
This seems like fun. The NodeJS package shp2stl by Doug McCune lets you…
Book checkouts from the British Library
In efforts to emphasize the importance of the library (very), the British Library…
Whale songs visualized
It’s been known for decades that the sounds that whales make show patterns…
Interactive: How Americans Get to Work
The way that people get around can say a lot about how a place is made up. Here’s an interactive map that shows how people get to work in America.
Feeling hot, hot, hot
When you look at overall global temperatures over time, you see a rising…
Chart none of the things
When it comes to storytelling, copious amounts of data often means lots of…
Genetic algorithm walkers
If you ever wondered what it looks like when QWOP-like figures learn to…
Basic chart, wrong conclusions
A short post on Bloomberg from 2013 describes the fall of U.S. mens’…
Translating images to words
With Google’s image search, the results kind of exist in isolation. There isn’t…
One animated art piece per day, with D3.js
Data-Driven Documents, or D3.js, is a flexible JavaScript library that lets you draw…
3-D model to show free-climb route
Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson are free-climbing almost 3,000 feet up El Capitan,…
Machine learning podcast
I’m glad podcasts are a thing right now. Talking Machines is a new…
Mapped history of how Native American land was taken
In Invasion of America, an animated map shows the loss of land.…