About 1 in 10 people use the same four-digit PIN, based on an…
Common four-digit PINs of others
Quantum computing visual explainer
Quantum computing promises a higher level of processing power over current computers, but…
Inference of key shape from the sound it makes in the lock
Researchers from the National University of Singapore found a way to infer key…
To get your personal data, provide more personal data
File another one under the sounds-good-on-paper-but-really-challenging-in-practice. Kashmir Hill, for The New York Times,…
Dangers of CSV injection
George Mauer highlights how a hacker might access other people’s data by putting…
Live cyber attack map
Norse monitors cyber attacks in real-time. This is their map of what’s going…
A surveillance system that watches over an entire city
Technology continues to advance quickly, but the social questions are lagging a bit.…
Password reuse visualizer from Mozilla
When you use the same password for every online account, there could be…
Analysis of passwords in Sony security breach
A little over a week ago, Sony was hit yet again with another…