From Pew Research, this political typology quiz is from four years ago but…
Political typology quiz
Statistical personality quiz matches you to fictional characters
The Open-Source Psychometrics Project, which seems to have been around for a while,…
Quiz to see which Democratic candidate agrees with you most
The Washington Post asked Democratic candidates a series of policy questions. To see…
Predicting whether you are Democrat or Republican
The New York Times is in a quizzy mood lately. Must be all…
A quiz to see if you’re rich
In a compare-your-preconceptions-against-reality quiz, The Upshot asks, “Are you rich?” Enter your nearest…
Personality quiz with traits on a spectrum
Ah, the online personality quiz, oh how I missed you. Oh wait, this…
Draw the patterns of Obama’s presidency
A couple of years back The New York Times asked readers to draw…
Looking for America’s heartland
By definition, heartland is some central place of importance of a country. But…
Numbers quiz tests how well you know your country
In their annual survey that tests public perception against reality, Ipsos Mori asked…
How stolen data affects you
You typically hear about data breaches in terms of number of records that…
Dialect quiz shows where others talk like you do
North Carolina State statistics graduate student Joshua Katz already mapped dialect across the…
What generation do you belong to?
In this interactive, USA Today guesses your age, based on what influenced you…