Cartographer Gretchen Peterson taught 70 second graders about maps. She talks about her positive experience and the kids’ excitement and makes the OSM index cards she used in the class.
Resource Links
Teaching 2nd Graders About Maps
Three Decades of Decennial Data
The United States Census Bureau just made more data available via their API. You can now access decennial data for 1990, 2000, and 2010. The API isn’t especially advanced, but it’s a heck of a lot better than PDF tables.
Visual Sedimentation
By Samuel Huron and Romain Vuillemot, Visual Sedimentation is “a JavaScript library for visualizing streaming data, inspired by the process of physical sedimentation.” Be sure to check out the examples.
Meet the world’s top NBA gambler
ESPN profiled professional basketball gambler Bob Voulgaris. He shoots a lot of data into a predictive model for NBA games and then makes bets based on simulations. His ROI is falling.
The Stanford seminar lectures on human-computer interaction are all free to view online. They all look good, but lecture 6 on “living, breathing data” with Kim Rees from Periscopic should be of most interest.
Finding and Making Sense of Geospatial Data on the Internet
Steven Citron-Pousty provides a thorough primer on finding and making sense of geospatial data on the Internet.
Advanced R development book
Hadley Wickham has been working on a book that covers advanced programming in R, namely programming concepts and workflow and package development. It goes to print later this year, but the contents are freely available for consumption now.
The Art of Data-based Visual Narratives
Nicholas Felton, who you probably know from his annual reports, is giving a two-day workshop on May 27 to 28 in Berlin on designing data-based visual narratives. It’s limited to 20 participants, so it’ll probably be an up close and personal experience.
What Data Can’t Do →
A follow-up to this from David Brooks
Curved Paths →
Possible path drawing in video games [via]
Tech data journalism bootcamp →
A thorough recap of the event
MS in Data Science →
New 2-year program at NYU starting Fall 2013
Geocoding in Google Spreadsheets →
Nifty trick that uses Mapquest API as source
Infographics and marketing: the good, the bad and the ugly →
Mostly ugly, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing
Interview with Google statistician →
Experiences analyzing lots of data and collaborating with computer scientists, data scientists, and quantitative analysts
Chart Check: Did Obama’s Graphics ‘Enhance’ His Big Speech? →
Helped out some for this NPR article
iWantHue →
Automatically make a color palette based on color space
Artists use data to make political statements →
Bringing the human to data
R Google Analytics →
Analyze web traffic [via]
Arc Diagrams in R →
Using this Protovis example with Les Misérables