Art installation to show melting caps
Resource Links
Vanishing Arctic →
Basics of JavaScript and D3 for R Users →
From a statistician’s perspective
Reporter or Artist →
Free book from 1992 on how newspapers use information graphics
Music history of campaign finance →
Speech snippets with a beat
Guardian Interactive →
Quick interview with editor Gabriel Dance
Mathgen paper accepted →
Automatically generated math paper accepted into a journal [via]
Data Heroes: Sisi Wei →
On her work with DataKind and The Washington Post, “wrangling complicated data can be abnormally satisfying.”
Dual Degree: Journalism and Computer Science →
Registration for new master’s program now open; my adviser is the director and it’s going to be amazing
Evolution of the Flowers →
Stamen on the process behind creating the spreading animation for Facebook Stories
Visually Marketplace →
Connects clients to infographic designers; seems good on the surface but still makes me uneasy
Why becoming a data scientist isn’t easy →
In response to this
D3 tutorial →
Number of examples from VisWeek workshop [via]
R Programming Efficiency →
Slidedeck on how to write more efficient code
mbostock →
Lots of D3 snippets and projects by the creator
Pixel states →
T-shirts with pixellated states
How Much Is a Professor Worth? →
For the effort to become one, not much
Paris and the Data Mind →
A story of a man and his Fitbit
Microsoft Patents 1826 Choropleth Map Technique →
That can’t be good.
How much do Google and Facebook profit from your data? →
Estimated value of your data
Ready Set Raphael →
Quickly convert SVG to RaphaelJS