Using k-means to group multiple symbols that overlap and clutter
Resource Links
Map symbol clustering →
Try R →
Free online course from Code School for getting started with R
CartoDB 2.0 →
The “Instagram of maps” or more appropriately, works on mobile
Simple chart, clear story →
Impact of vaccines plotted over time shows obvious impact [via]
Cartograms in D3 →
Cartograms in D3. Way smooth and interactive.
Finding image color palettes in R →
Use k-means to find most used colors
Rcpp →
Write C++ code and easily connect with R for more speed [via]
Building USA Today election night maps →
Detailed view of the underbelly of developing and launching maps for a large-scale publication
The meaning of statistics and digital humanities →
Images as statistical summaries
Teasing out the data →
Shy data and introducing it to new audiences
Washington Post graphics →
There’s a new tumblr in town that discusses process and points to work
Statisticians in the NFL →
Lots of data, but there’s resistance because looking at people through numbers seems wrong
Hacking my vagina →
Reverse engineers a vibrator to make it hands-free
Data scientist is a CNNMoney best new job →
Projected 18% 10-year job growth
OpenVis conference →
They’re sprouting up everywhere; this one in Boston
Jaime Serra interview →
Was recognized as the most influential infographic designer of the past 20 years at Malofiej
Research in Progress →
Spot on. Sadly.
Yakkin’ ‘Bout Mappin’ →
Process post on a two-day mapping session; planning, data, design, code
Let’s Talk Your Data, Not Big Data →
You gotta crawl before you can walk and run
HOLO Magazine →
A kickstarter to explore “the convergence of art, science and technology”