Using estimates from the Database of Road Transportation Emissions, Nadja Popovich and Denise…
Making the most detailed map of auto emissions in America
Weaponised design
When the web was relatively new, things were more of a free-for-all. Everything…
People relationships in data analysis
Roger Peng discusses the importance of managing the relationships between people — analyst,…
Musician Kaki King’s daughter suffers from a condition (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura) where her…
Mass exodus at human scale
Big numbers are too abstract in our minds to fully understand the scale…
Complement data with emotion for full effect
Data is a great vehicle for arguments, but the (not just visual) perception…
Sharing the same traits and qualities
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My son used to watch Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood (a modern take… -
Skittle disconnect
This is what happens when there is a disconnect between data and what…
What Chicken Nuggets Taught Me About Using Data to Design →
Ask yourself what the numbers represent.
Twitter bot generates biographies via Census data
We usually see Census data in aggregate. It comes in choropleth maps or…
Discrimination algorithms
Claire Cain Miller for the Upshot on when algorithms discriminate:
There is a… -
Data into art and connecting to humans
Visualization tends to rest in the realm of efficiency and accuracy. From a…
The dots are people
The simple analysis is to approach data blind, as machine output. But this…
Chart none of the things
When it comes to storytelling, copious amounts of data often means lots of…
Inadvertent algorithmic cruelty
If you logged into Facebook the past couple of weeks, you saw your…
Explorations of People Movements
A new data source gave rise to a different set of visualization projects. We see people.
Dictionary of Numbers extension adds context to numbers
We read and hear numbers in the news all the time, but it…
Missing Pieces
Leave it to Robert Krulwich to bring us back to life in the…
Data in a human context
Jer Thorp, a data artist in residence at The New York Times, shows…