If you shop at the grocery store regularly, you’ve felt prices increasing, especially…
With InflataCart, your grocery list plus inflation data
Network of Supermarket Chains
Here’s the current landscape of supermarket parent companies and their subsidiaries — national chains, regional, local, co-ops, specialty, ethnic, and discount.
Grocery owner territories
Any day is a good day for a map of predominant commercial chains.…
Supermarket provides AI-driven meal planner and is disappointed by the internet using it to output weird recipes
A supermarket chain in New Zealand offered an AI-based recipe generator, and of…
Data warehouse at the supermarket
Grocery stores with loyalty programs collect data on what and when you buy…
Change in Instacart searches after the coronavirus
For Bloomberg, Ellen Huet and Lizette Chapman reported on the jolt for Instacart…
In search of food deserts
Last time I looked at where major grocery stores are across the United…
Grocery store geography
I’ve been poking around grocery store locations, courtesy of AggData, the past few…