Charts that use two different scales on the same vertical often get the…
Arguing in favor of dual axes to show correlation
Spotting spurious correlations in health news
When it comes to diet and health, you might see one day that…
Airport runway orientation reveals wind patterns
Airport runways orient certain directions that correlate with wind direction in the area.…
Waffle House index as a storm indicator
Waffle House activated their storm center in preparation for Hurricane Florence. Their restaurants…
Common statistical interpretation mistakes
Statistics is a game of subtleties, and you lose when you don’t pay…
Game: Guess the correlation
Guess the Correlation is a straightforward game where you do just that, and…
Gender prediction through trivia performance
Todd Schneider likes trivia, and he plays in an online league called LearnedLeague.…
Fake correlation
Gabriel Rossman, a sociology professor at UCLA, describes colliders — or when correlation…
Random things that correlate
This is fun. Tyler Vigen wrote a program that attempts to automatically find…
Causation is real, people
Stop global warming. Decrease the National Science Foundation’s R&D budget. It’s so easy.…
Cell phones and cancer
xkcd pokes fun at correlation and causation again. Funny every time.…
Google Correlate lets you see how your data relates to search queries
A while back, Google showed how Influenza outbreaks correlated to searches for flu-related…
Correlating dog
From the Doghouse Diaries. Smart dog. My cat on the other hand, still…
Facebook status updates: young people are self-centered and old ramble
The Facebook Data Team had a quantitative look at status updates by age…
Because It’s Friday: Correlation
It’s time like these I feel like one big nerd.
[xkcd | Thanks,…