To show a catalog of almost 100 million books in one view, phiresky…
Visualizing all the books in the world
Book chart showing Barnes & Noble opening new stores
I assumed that Barnes & Noble was on its way out, but I…
Data Visualization Humble Bundle
There’s a data visualization book bundle on Humble Bundle this month. Get twenty-two…
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Visualization Books for a Beginner – The Process 142
My two cents on a discussion about what visualization books beginners should and should not read.
Information Graphic Visionaries, a book series
The Information Graphic Visionaries book series just launched on Kickstarter. Emma Willard, Florence…
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Visualization Books in My Queue (The Process 084)
I have a lot of books stacked on my desk. It’s kind of embarrassing. Now seems like a good as time as any to read them.
Data-driven hipster reading list
When it comes to reading lists, we usually look for what’s popular, because…
Game of Thrones books versus television series
I think I started watching Game of Thrones around the fourth season (my…
Visualization Books in the Queue
I don’t read visualization books nearly as much as I wish I did,…
Casual visualization books for the coffee table
Since my son was born, it’s been a challenge to focus on a…
An ideal bookshelf
Thessaly La Force, with illustrator Jane Mount, recently published My Ideal Bookshelf, which…
Flowchart: Which of NPR’s top 100 science fiction and fantasy books should you read?
SF Signal constructs a big arse flowchart to help you sift through NPR’s…