We’ve seen a number of looks at movie poster cliches, but this is the first time I’ve seen how the color of movie posters have changed over time. Vijay Pandurangan downloaded 35,000 poster thumbnails from a movie site, counted the color pixels in each image, and then grouped them by year and sorted by hue.
Some thoughts from Pandurangan’s designer friend Cheryle Cranbourne:
The movies whose posters I analysed “cover a good range of genres. Perhaps the colors say less about how movie posters’ colors as a whole and color trends, than they do about how genres of movies have evolved. For example, there are more action/thriller/sci-fi [films] than there were 50-70 years ago, which might have something to do with the increase in darker, more ‘masculine’ shades.”
There’s no mention of the blanked out 1924. That must’ve been a sad year. Oh wait, there were movies during that year, so there was either a massive ink shortage or it’s just missing data.
[via @DataPointed]