
Showing the stories in data through statistics, design, aesthetics, and code.

Conversational Twitter threads visualized

Add another piece to the ever-growing list of Twitter visualizations. What makes Moritz…

Trustworthiness of beards

Matt McInerney of pixelspread describes the trustworthiness of the people behind their facial…

A guide to geostatistical mapping with open-source tools

Mapping with R and other free and open-source programs feels clunky and hacked-together…

Local neighborhood infographics

Good Mag put on an infographic contest not too long ago that asked…

A flowchart to decide what typeface to use

A typeface can make or break your graphic. Use Comic Sans, and no…

Clothing color palette

Jacobo Zanella makes a color palette every day, based on the clothes he’s…

Cartographies of Time: A History of the Timeline

I don’t often give in to impulse buys, but I just ordered Cartographies…

Gay marriage timeline

The Los Angeles Times reports on the chronology of gay rights in the…

The Ash Cloud and Airport Shutdowns

In case you’re following the craziness going on over Europe due to that…

Explorations of real-world traffic

We don't often get to see how cars, trains, airplanes, etc move in physical space, because, well, we're usually in them.

Crowdsourcing Johnny Cash

Aaron Koblin (along with Chris Milk) is up to his crowdsourcing mischief again.…

Data visualization tutorial in Processing

If you absolutely refuse to touch any code, I suggest Many Eyes or…

The making of wine – in motion graphics

Designer Tiago Cabaco explains the conception of wine in this short animated infographic.…

Viegas+Wattenberg announce visualization startup

Big news. Former IBMers Fernanda Viegas and Martin Wattenberg just announced their new…

100 Pixar characters drawn to scale

Designer Juan Pablo Bravo illustrates 100 Pixar characters to scale, from Wally B.…

Swing vote effects explored with swingometer

With the 2010 UK elections coming up, the Guardian explores possible outcomes, given…

Best place to catch a cab? Try Bloomingdale’s

Matthew Bloch, Ford Fessenden, and Shan Carter continue the New York Times geographic…

Edward Tufte on his White House appointment

Edward Tufte was officially appointed to a White House advisory role a few…