
Showing the stories in data through statistics, design, aesthetics, and code.

What America spends on food and drink

How much more (or less) money do you spend on groceries than you do on dining out? Bundle, a new online destination that aims to describe how we spend money, takes a look at the grocery-dining out breakdown in major cities.

Interview: Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg

Andrew interviews Fernanda and Martin about their new venture Flowing Media, visualization, and their amazing taste in adjectives.

Field guide to fanboys

PCWorld provides a handy field guide to help you spot fanboys in the wild.

Driving habits and gas prices shift into reverse

Hannah Fairfield of the New York Times looks at driving habits and gas…

The path to successful infographics

Most people don’t know what actually goes into a good infographic. There’s a…

Dreaming in numbers

Cristobal Vila, inspired by, well, numbers and nature, Vila animates the natural existence of Fibonacci sequences, the golden ratio, and Delaunay triangulation. Watch it. Even if you don't know what those three things are, the video will rock your socks off.

Nutritional facts redesigned

Nutrition facts labels are uniform across products, but let's imagine for a second that you could do whatever you want, just as long they showed certain bits of information. FFunction takes a stab at redesigning the standard milk carton under this premise.

Evolution of Facebook privacy policies

There’s been a lot of hullabaloo about Facebook’s newly installed privacy policies. It…

Streamgraph code ported to JavaScript

Lee Byron open-sourced his streamgraph code in Processing about a month ago. Jason Sundram has taken that and ported it to JavaScript, using Processing.js.

Tracking the oil spill

For those following the status of the oil spill, the New York Times…

How men and women label colors

Along the same lines of Dolores Labs’ color experiment, Randall Munroe of xkcd…

Planets make sweet music together

SolarBeat is an audiolization by Whitevinyl that makes music with the planets. Each…

Cultural colors of emotion and character

Some colors represent different things in different parts of the world, while others…

Seeing the art in cartography

In much of the same spirit of the recent Cartographies of Time, the…

Connections among Twitter employees

Because you can never get enough Twitter visualizations, Jason Stirman takes a look…

Review: indiemapper makes thematic mapping easy

It’s finally here. Indiemapper brings easy and flexible thematic mapping online. I’ve been…

Discuss: Powerpoint is the enemy?

In reference to the above, Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, leader of the American…

Tax brackets over the past century

Stephen Von Worley’s Weather Sealed is one of my new favorites. In his…